We at Saint Paul Church of God in Christ are humbled to be moved by our music department, every week- with warm thanks to our organist and percussionist!

You Are Cordially Invited to Saint Paul Church of God in Christ 86th Anniversary Celebration – Sunday, June 12, 2022

“Honoring Three Generations of Serving Humanity, Nationally,
in the Churches of God in Christ”
Please join Saint Paul Church of God in Christ on Sunday, June 12, as we celebrate 86 glorious years of building and serving the Lord. Brothers, Sisters, Families, and Friends, Pastor Kevin Anthony Ford, welcomes you to attend the 11:00 am Worship Service, followed by our traditional fellowshipping and dining in the courtyard.
We appreciate accepting contributions/donations that will help support our ministries by clicking on https://giv.li/x35n86 for quick access to Givelify.