Jesus Never Fails

“Cleansing The Temple ” Resurrection Sunday “Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise. The Temple represents restoration in our lives. When saints come into the house of God, a readiness, my mind is stead on Jesus ,nothing less. Jesus Cleanses the Temple. Deacon Maurice Harris and his young sons want to grow in the lord. Strengthening his children minds with the word of God helps the whole family to Love says Deacon Harris. Deacon Henderson and his grandson and family are confidential that their grandson will remember what is acceptable in God’s house and they will be grateful and thankful for receiving God’s word. Sister Wanda Williams and granddaughter enjoy being in the house of the lord.We thank you Lord for you have Risen. “Jesus is Love ” Listen to the song. It’s lyrics say teach the children. We thank you Jesus for all those who have joined us on this Resurrection Day and parents for bringing the children. “Sunday School opens the door to Worship service. You are Welcome!Pastor Ford, reminds us this is the Lord’s day and I will be glad in it.Absence from this house but always in the presence of the Lord!

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